
How prescription medication can outsmart your set point weight

How prescription medication can outsmart your set point weight

Your set point weight can be adjusted! Let’s chat about how prescription medication can help.

What you need to know about how your metabolism really changes as you age

What you need to know about how your metabolism really changes as you age

New research shows that metabolism changes with age–but not as we think. Here we discuss ways to adapt your lifestyle as you age to support a healthy metabolism.

The sneaky hunger hormone that can stall weight loss

The sneaky hunger hormone that can stall weight loss

Learn how you can rein it in and stay on track

How does your weight journey affect your metabolism? Here's what you need to know

How does your weight journey affect your metabolism? Here's what you need to know

When you lose weight, your metabolism slows down, and then you could hit a weight-loss plateau. (The science folks call this phenomenon “metabolic adaptation.”) There are several reasons for this slow-down, which we’ll get into shortly.

Can you really boost your metabolism?

Can you really boost your metabolism?

Supercharge your metabolism! Boost your calorie-burning power and lose weight! You’ve seen all sorts of headlines like these, right? Yeah, us too. We’re here to break down the science about what you can and can’t control about your metabolism and how it could impact your weight care journey.

Five common myths about metabolism—and some truths you need to know

Five common myths about metabolism—and some truths you need to know

It’s a common belief that a speedy metabolism helps you burn more calories.

Six reasons why weight loss is more than “eat less, and move more”

Six reasons why weight loss is more than “eat less, and move more”

For years, you’ve been told that weight loss is just a matter of eating less and moving more, right? But the truth is that it’s not that simple. And that’s an understatement! Keep reading; we’ll explain.

4 reasons why weight loss is more than “calories in, calories out”

4 reasons why weight loss is more than “calories in, calories out”

You've probably heard that weight is all about "calories in, calories out" throughout your weight loss journey. This theory is based on the idea that you're bound to lose weight if you burn more calories than you eat.

How gut health impacts your weight

How gut health impacts your weight

There’s a lot of quips being said these days—the post-pandemic world has ushered in more than ever—but one that may be not-so-familiar to you is the phrase that’s been said for a long time, “the gut is the second brain.”

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