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Outsmart binge eating this holiday season with Found’s prescription weight care program

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While the Holiday Season represents a joyous time to reconnect with friends and family, it can also be a stressful time for those of us trying to avoid binge eating. And while some family members won’t think too much about prodding you to have one more biscuit, according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, eating disorders are one of the most fatal mental illnesses, second to opioid overdose. Binge eating, specifically, is the most common eating disorder in the U.S. 

While bingeing may seem like it’s an easy fix, it’s actually a recognized psychological condition.  Therefore, it would be an oversimplification to assume that weight loss can be achieved simply by “eating less” and “working out more.” It is much more complicated than that. Furthermore, the weight gain that can follow binge eating can lead to serious health risks such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and sleep apnea.

The team at Found wants to reassure you that if you’re struggling with binge eating, you are not alone. Below, we’ve compiled a list of scientifically proven methods to help you outsmart binge eating and live the life you want to live. 

 Plan out your holiday meals

Having an idea of what you’ll be eating for the Holidays can reduce stress related to binge eating. Speak with your hosts about the type of food they’ll be serving and share some background on your eating disorder in order to avoid triggers. 

Moreover, taking time at the beginning of each week to plan out your meals is one way to cut out binge-eating tendencies. By having healthy snacks and meals on hand, you’ll be able to reach for those instead of gravitating towards easy foods, like a bag of chips. A study done by NutriNet-Santé showed that, in over 40,000 adults, meal planning led to better diet quality and a lower risk of gaining weight.

 Don’t be afraid to distract yourself

Often thoughts related to binge eating can become compulsory, so it is important to be able to distract yourself once you’ve entered that headspace. You could wrap presents, watch TV with your family, or call a friend. 

Increase your protein

Out of proteins, fats, and carbs, protein is what’s going to make you feel full. Protein decreases your level of ghrelin, a hunger hormone, and boosts your levels of peptide YY, which is a hormone that makes you feel full. Try adding extra protein to each meal, like shredded chicken into your eggs at breakfast, to keep yourself satiated longer.

Consider working with weight care specialists and try prescription medication

If you’ve been struggling with binge eating, consider working with a team of specialists that can tailor a program to your specific needs. At Found, we’ve built out a weight loss program that can prescribe medications specifically designed to combat binge eating and other underlying causes of weight gain. We recognize that everyone’s body and underlying biologies are different, so we’ve put an emphasis on tailoring the program to each individual’s specific needs and weight loss goals. Weight loss isn’t as simple as “eat less, move more.” Found addresses this misconception by addressing the underlying biological causes of weight gain.

The process

You’ll start by filling out a short medical history that’s reviewed by a team of board-certified physicians and registered nutritionists. If you qualify, you may be prescribed medication that can help address binge eating. Your prescription will ship straight to your door at no additional cost.  You’ll be matched with a physician and other resources who can together to deliver a program specifically for you.

Along with the potential addition of medication, we offer an app to help hold you accountable and offer tips, as well as access to an online community (support!)

Found offers a science-backed approach to weight care that's based on your unique biology, psychology, lifestyle, and prescription medication needs. To start your journey with Found, take our quiz.

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