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Wait, I can lose weight without obsessive calorie counting? Here’s how Found is different

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It’s clear that traditional weight-loss programs aren’t making a dent in the obesity epidemic. This is because most weight-loss programs fail to consider a person’s unique biology and offer everyone the same diet and lifestyle recommendations. Considering that 40% to 70% of weight is estimated to be determined by genetics, that’s a little concerning. And despite Americans spending $33 billion on weight-loss products each year, almost 42% of American adults have obesity, and the prevalence of obesity continues to rise. But there’s a new approach changing how obesity is treated by recognizing it as a disease rather than a matter of counting and tracking calories.

Found Health is not just another diet or a weight-loss program. It’s a lasting solution for sustainable weight loss. Found is a medically-supported weight-care program that addresses factors influencing weight, such as sleep, emotional health, social health, and biology. This online weight-care program offers a wide range of prescription weight-loss medications to address each individual's needs. New members receive a month of one-on-one coaching for extra support on their journey, plus an in-app supportive community. 

Why traditional weight loss programs and dieting don’t work

When was the last time you tried a new diet and could stick to it? Or you didn’t see the scale slowly creep back up after all your hard work? The truth is that one-size-fits-all weight-loss programs may work short term, but they don’t lead to lasting results. This may be because diet and exercise are just one piece of the weight-loss puzzle. Science shows that relying on these two lifestyle changes alone isn’t enough. 

Not to mention that any type of food restriction isn’t sustainable for the long term. And a meta-analysis published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of 29 studies looking at long-term weight-loss maintenance found that dieters who completed a formal weight-loss program regained weight (more than half of what was previously lost) within two years. Let’s face it: Meal replacements, calorie deficits, and even popular fad diets like keto and low carb aren’t comprehensive approaches. They don’t address the root causes of obesity and excess weight. Instead, they slap on a temporary solution that doesn’t lead to sustainable weight loss.

Thanks to a strong, growing body of research, we know weight isn’t a simple calculation of eating less and moving more

What makes Found different from other weight loss programs

1. Found pairs weight-loss medication with lifestyle change support to help you reach your goals

Research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism showed that using weight-loss medication to treat obesity leads to an average loss of 10.4% of body weight that’s sustainable beyond four years. And weight-loss medications can help remove barriers (like increased appetite and food cravings) so you can focus on making behavior changes. New members at Found receive one month of virtual, one-on-one health coaching to support them with lifestyle changes like sleeping better and stressing less. And our Found app offers you a supportive community and healthy habit support.

2. Found is backed by science 

Found’s program isn’t based on willpower—it’s based on science. And evidence shows us that willpower isn’t dependable on a weight-loss journey. The latest research in obesity science tells us that the whole “calories in, calories out” notion is outdated. In fact, the main focus at Found isn’t on dieting or calorie counting because evidence shows that obesity and excess weight are a combo of genetic, social, psychological, environmental, and behavioral factors. Instead, we offer personalized prescriptions, access to health experts, and lifestyle support. That’s why our personal health quiz (click to get started!) considers your unique biology and medical history.

3. Found treats obesity as the disease it is 

Obesity is a complex, chronic disease. Found clinicians are specifically trained in obesity medicine. They approach obesity care with empathy while personalizing treatment for each individual. Our clinicians consider your unique biology and match you with prescription medication if that’s right for you. The average Found member loses 10 percent of their body weight during their first 12 months on the program. 

About Found

Found is among the largest medically-supported weight care clinics in the country, serving more than 200,000 members to date. To start your journey with Found, take our quiz.

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