“Quitter’s day” is a thing. Here’s how to make your New Year’s resolutions stick this time

“Quitter’s day” is a thing. Here’s how to make your New Year’s resolutions stick this time

“Quitter’s day” is a thing. Here’s how to make your New Year’s resolutions stick this time

Sticking to your resolutions can be a challenge. Read on to find out how you can continue them well past Quitter’s Day.

Morgan Pavon, MS, RD, LD
Last updated:
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
5 min read
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It’s not a shocker that a lot of people don’t keep their New Year’s resolutions. In fact, research has found that most people drop the goals they made at midnight with a glass of champagne and confetti falling by the second Sunday in January. It’s even got a name: Quitter’s Day. Are you ready for it? In 2024, that date is January 12. And about two-thirds of those who make it past Quitter’s Day end up ditching their goals by the beginning of February. 

So what’s going on here—and how can you stick to a new routine or build on some of the awesome habits you’ve developed so far? That’s where Found can help. Our members lose, on average, 10% of their body weight by month six. We take a science-backed approach to weight care that considers lifestyle factors, your biology and medication needs to develop a plan that will help you reach your goals. Our quick, personal health quiz can get you started. But also, read on for seven strategies for keeping those resolutions. 

1. Focus on a goal rather than a resolution 

A resolution is a statement of what you want to change. It’s not the same as a goal, which is something you’re striving to achieve and includes the steps you need to take to get there and when you want to reach it. Because a goal is more specific, it’s easier to make a plan and follow through. 

Come up with a goal that’s relevant to you. (If you don’t love running, skip the 5K your friend signed up for.) Instead, choose something that brings you joy. That way, you’re more likely to stay consistent. 

2. Choose one change at a time

We get it, you have ambitious goals, and you really want them to stick this year—kudos to you! But you don’t have to do all of the things just yet. 

While research suggests that simultaneously juggling multiple goals can make you likely to commit, the fact is that it’s just a lot. So try choosing one goal at a time until you’ve got it down, and it becomes a habit (which takes, on average, 66 days, by the way) before moving on to the next one. 

3. Start when you’re ready 

Social norms may say that January 1 is when your resolutions need to kick off, but (gasp!) we say otherwise. So, if waiting until the hustle-bustle of the holiday season is over feels better for you, then heck, wait it out! 

According to research, there are five stages we often pass through when making changes. And when we make them before we’re ready, we’re less likely to stick them out.

4. Create realistic expectations 

You can’t expect to sit in on a few Spanish classes and head to Costa Rica to chat with the locals, right? So don’t expect a quick 180 with your health goals.  

When committing to a new habit, pick something realistic for you—knowing that you can always build on it. For example, you wouldn’t go from never having veggies in the fridge to eating them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But maybe starting with two meals per week will work for now. Give yourself grace! 

5. Jot your goal down 

People who write their goals down and track them are more likely to be successful than those who don’t. They can see firsthand how they’re progressing and whether they need to switch things up to keep on track. (That’s why the most successful Found members tend to be the ones who use the app to log their routines.) 

So whether it’s an app or a good ol’ piece of paper, try logging your goal-specific routine and see how your commitment soars!

6. Limit barriers 

Having too many choices can weaken your commitment. For example, you can decide to go home after work, put on your workout clothes, and head to the gym. Orrrr you can eliminate some of the choices that might become barriers by packing your clothes and getting ready at the office so you can head straight to your workout from there. 

Another example is penciling movement into your calendar like any other meeting—giving activity as high of a priority as anything else. 

7. Get support

Support is arguably the most important factor for sticking to your goal. Research has shown that you’re more likely to commit and follow through when you share your intention with someone else. And not just anyone else, but someone you respect and who cares about you and your health. People who have social support tend to have more successful weight care journeys—including more significant decreases in their BMIs. 

So: Just because the majority of resolutions fizzle out within the first few weeks of making them doesn't mean yours have to! You’ve got this.

About Found

Found is among the largest medically-supported weight care clinics in the country, serving more than 200,000 members to date. To start your journey with Found, take our quiz.

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Published date:
January 9, 2023
Ready to lose weight and live your healthiest life?
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Meet the author
Morgan Pavon, MS, RD, LD
Health writer
Morgan Pavon is a licensed and registered dietitian.
Medically reviewed by:
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Last updated on:
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023


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