Losing weight after kids is hard. But with Found, I lost 50 pounds and regained my confidence

Losing weight after kids is hard. But with Found, I lost 50 pounds and regained my confidence

Losing weight after kids is hard. But with Found, I lost 50 pounds and regained my confidence

I couldn’t be there for my kids the way I wanted to be. So, with Found’s help, I made a change. Now 50 pounds down, there’s no looking back.

The Found Team
Last updated:
May 23, 2023
5 min read
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When I first became aware of the size of my body, I was just nine years old. Even that far back, I was being told I was “too big” and encouraged to “watch what I eat.” I was even offered SlimFast shakes by family members. I remember trying those and thinking, yeah, I’m good without it. 

After spending most of my young adult life pursuing weight loss, I was no stranger to dieting. When I had my daughter and then seven years later, my son, I grew convinced that the 120 pounds I’d gained were my new normal—that I’d forever be overweight. 

The tipping point—and why I chose Found for weight loss

What ultimately sparked me to take action and lose weight for good was my daughter. She was learning to ride a bike, and I found myself unable to run alongside her. She had to have her cousin teach her how to ride. That’s when I knew something needed to change. She deserved better. I deserved better. 

After all, unlike my son, my daughter remembered a time when I’d been able to run and play with her. She remembered who I was before this weight. And I was determined to get that person back.

When I came across Found, I took one look and thought, “What do I have to lose? What’s a little more money going to hurt?” I’d already spent thousands of dollars on past programs that resulted in nothing more than a 20-pound weight loss. 

How this weight-loss attempt was different

Everything changed when I joined Found. For the first time, I broke through that 20-pound weight loss mark I was once a prisoner to.* Slow and steady, I was, and still am, seeing progress. 

The best part of it all? I’m able to sit down with my family and eat what they eat—no separate meals, shakes, or bars. Now I can enjoy foods I like and lose weight. I remember past diets where I was told what, when, and how much to eat. At one point, I set alarms on my phone to remind myself to eat every two hours.  Now I’m able to listen to my hunger cues—I’m in control and have the freedom to do it my way. 

I started with topiramate to help control my cravings and appetite. After a weight plateau, I reached out to my Found provider, who added naltrexone. The two medications worked for me.  I got over that plateau, making healthier food choices without feeling restricted. 

My new normal: continued progress and a brighter future

With 50 pounds gone I’ve learned the importance of taking time for myself to not only set goals but also to reflect on how far I’ve come. The time I set aside for reflection is the key to sustainable weight loss for me.

The journey isn’t always perfect. Some weeks, my weight doesn’t change, and some days, I don’t eat the most nutritious foods. However, I balance it out by playing with my kids more and understanding that eating healthier next week will make up for it. And I know full well that with a little patience, the weight will continue to come off. 

Before, something as simple as walking into a room made me feel self-conscious. With the weight gone, I was excited to move from a size 2XL to a size medium—I cried. I’m starting to feel more comfortable in my skin, and I haven’t felt that way in years. Best of all, I’ve learned to love myself along the way!

Disclaimer: *Individual results may vary. 

About Found

Found is among the largest medically-supported weight care clinics in the country, serving more than 200,000 members to date. To start your journey with Found, take our quiz.

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Published date:
May 23, 2023
Ready to lose weight and live your healthiest life?
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Meet the author
The Found Team
The Found Team


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