The Found Team

The Found Team

Articles by
The Found Team

What’s the best workout for weight care?

What’s the best workout for weight care?

The best exercise to do if you want to lose weight or maintain weight loss.

Six reasons why weight loss is more than “eat less, and move more”

Six reasons why weight loss is more than “eat less, and move more”

For years, you’ve been told that weight loss is just a matter of eating less and moving more, right? But the truth is that it’s not that simple. And that’s an understatement! Keep reading; we’ll explain.

Three pieces of advice from a member who found his confidence

Three pieces of advice from a member who found his confidence

Shaun Santiago’s weight has been an ongoing battle for almost a decade. It fluctuated for years—he’d lose weight, only to gain it again. Before embarking on his long-term weight care journey with Found, the 48-year-old’s cholesterol was high, and he was pre-diabetic.

Why it’s so hard to lose weight if you have PCOS

Why it’s so hard to lose weight if you have PCOS

Of the estimated 5 million American women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), between 40 and 80 percent find weight management a challenge. What gives? Well, as you know, PCOS is a hormonal disorder—and hormones affect many systems in your body, including those that help regulate body weight.

What to expect during your first month at Found

What to expect during your first month at Found

Starting something new can be scary—and that can be especially true of beginning a weight care program. (In fact, there’s a word for that very real fear of something new or unfamiliar: neophobia.) Is it normal to have some worries? Absolutely! Should they hold you back? Absolutely not!

Should you use the BMI chart to set your weight goal?

Should you use the BMI chart to set your weight goal?

You’ve probably had your body mass index—or BMI—measured at one or more check ups since you were a child. Care providers and even fitness coaches use BMI to gauge whether you’re at a healthy weight.

4 reasons why weight loss is more than “calories in, calories out”

4 reasons why weight loss is more than “calories in, calories out”

You've probably heard that weight is all about "calories in, calories out" throughout your weight loss journey. This theory is based on the idea that you're bound to lose weight if you burn more calories than you eat.

Why you should forget everything diet culture has taught you

Why you should forget everything diet culture has taught you

Weight care isn’t an elementary school math equation. Yet diet culture tells us that it’s all about the energy in (number of calories eaten) minus the energy out (calories burned). And guess what? It’s a ridiculously outdated concept!

What kind of support do people want?

What kind of support do people want?

With millions of people thrust into isolation by the global pandemic, Americans have craved social support more than ever. But they may not know how to get it—or feel out of practice and a bit awkward as they tepidly move back into the world of “normalcy.”

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