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Did you see us on CBS? Here are 3 things to know about medicine for weight loss.

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Americans are even more curious about drugs used for weight loss since CBS Sunday Morning aired a story featuring Found’s Chief Medical Officer, Rekha Kumar, MD, MS, and a Found member, LaQuita Clark.

With Found, LaQuita has access to a physician trained in obesity medicine to personalize her prescription, a Found health coach, an exclusive community for support, and an in-app lifestyle change program designed by behavioral scientists. 

If you’ve seen the CBS Story and you’re interested to know more, here are three things to know as you start your weight loss journey:

  1. Addressing chronic weight problems isn’t just about calories in, calories out. One-size-fits-all approaches and conventional diet plans don’t work. 

  2. There are often underlying biological causes and contributing factors that keep people from losing weight. Genetics, hormones, brain chemistry, and even pollution can all play a role. 

  3. As much as obesity is a growing epidemic in the US, most physicians aren’t trained to treat it. Only 1% of physicians in the US are certified by the American Board of Obesity Medicine.

Obesity medicine specialists, like the health care providers affiliated with Found, can help you identify what’s keeping you from losing weight and personalize a prescription to help you with your goals.

If you’d like to look into personalized medicine for weight loss, start with Found’s MetabolicPrint™ assessment—it’s a quick quiz

About Found

To discover your MetabolicPrint and start your journey with Found, take our quiz. Found is among the largest medically supported weight care clinics in the country, having served more than 200,000 members to date.

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